Our holiday gift for you
Happy holidays! Hanukkah began on Sunday night, Christmas comes tomorrow, Kwanzaa begins the 26th, and New Year’s Eve is on the horizon. I know for a fact that some of you are celebrating or observing more than one of these holidays, so from our house to yours, a sincere wish for happy and healthy holidays, and a bright new year to start the new decade!
Our gift to you
This 5-day challenge is fun and provides great results in your space!
The 5-day energy-clearing challenge starts next Monday!
What it is:
It’s a week of emails, from Sunday to Saturday, with five days of action in the middle (Monday through Friday).
The Energy-Clearing Challenge is a five-day exercise in doing a bit of tidying in your home, and then taking action to get any stuck, stale, or heavy energy in your space moving again. The result is a lighter-feeling, calmer home. Doing this challenge just after the holidays is great for clearing out Other People’s Energy as well, which can make our homes feel a bit off-kilter.
If you are new to energy work, think of it this way: If you walk into a room full of friends who are sharing stories and laughing hard, don’t you feel a lift in your own spirits or energy? Same goes for if you walk into a room where people have been arguing—the air nearly crackles, right? Well, the energy from the people who enter your home comes off of them just like skin cells do (it’s part of what makes up house dust; you can google it). And some of that energy tends to pool in the corners of your space, like energetic dust bunnies.
You can clean that dust out by shedding some light on the situation and making some noise, with the intention of getting that energy flowing properly again. And that’s what we do in the challenge—we get that stuck qi (or chi) energy moving and flowing again, and we get your home a bit tidier in the process, all of which will help you reset your space and lower your stress levels.
Next week is the perfect time to do this for a couple of reasons. First, some of the holidays will be done, and you may have residual energy from visitors and family (including things like squabbles, sorrow, hurt feelings, and more). Second, starting on Monday allows us to roll into the new year and start the new decade with fresh energy in our homes. If we start before January 1st, you will already be in progress when the new year arrives, which allows you to start the year doing something good for yourself.
You really don’t need to buy a thing, but here’s an idea of what you could use
For the energy work:
The photo above is of someone lighting a bundle of white sage in order to smoke or smudge their space. If you use sage in your space, then that’s great. I don’t care for it because of how smoky it is and how it smells (pretty much like weed).
You really don’t need to buy a thing. Just turning on lights. opening blinds (and windows, if the weather permits it), playing some music, and clapping your hands will work fine.
If you want to use other energy techniques, you can use candles, incense, palo santo, sage or other smudge, essential oils, Tingsha bells or other bells, wind chimes, singing bowls, and/or gemstones, including but not limited to selenite or black tourmaline. I do not go into the precise oils, stones, or herbs to use, but if they are something you work with, then they are great to use in energy clearing.
For tidying:
You really don’t need to buy a thing, unless you are legit out of trash bags or do not own a dust cloth. And if you don’t have an actual dust cloth, an old t-shirt or a dishtowel works fine.
How to join the challenge
Sign up using the link below, and then wait for the first email, which will arrive on Sunday to give you an overview. If you want to do the challenge, but can’t participate next week because you are traveling, or have company, or for any other reason: JOIN US ANYHOW. The emails will wait for you to read them. Or if they stress you out, just delete them. Nobody here wants to cause you any stress!
This energy-clearing challenge will at the very least leave you with a slightly tidier home, and at the very best leave you feeling happier, lighter, and less stressed. So I hope you will give it a chance. And please invite your friends to join us!
There is also a FB group you can join, where we will be discussing the challenge and what we did and didn’t do, or care for. Also? There is a contest within the challenge to win an energy-cleansing kit from Willow Moon Candles. The kit consists of a sage candle with a piece of black tourmaline, a piece of palo santo, and a selenite wand.