Tarot readings are now available
Yesterday, I finally turned a page’s setting to “on”, and I figure I should probably tell you about it.
I am now offering tarot readings on my website.
Some background on me as a tarot reader:
I have been reading tarot for myself for nearly 40 years—since I was 19 years old, in fact. And as I will be turning 59 this year, that math is pretty simple to do. My first deck was the classic Rider-Waite-Smith deck. A few years later, I got my second deck, which I used almost exclusively for decades: The Thoth Tarot, created with the oversight of Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris.
My readings for myself have often been eerily accurate—perhaps the best example being the time a 10-card spread clearly (and as it would turn out, accurately) indicated I was pregnant, before I’d even missed my period. Now and again, I’d read for others as well, but usually only for close friends or one of my daughters.
Last fall, I felt called to offer tarot readings to the public. I made 13 spaces available, and they quickly sold out. These are remote readings, where the querent (the person being read for) lets me know if they have a particular question or area of inquiry, and I then do a card reading for them in my own time.
I record an audio file of my reading, which I then email to the querent along with photos of their cards. I like to add a single-card oracle pull from an oracle deck that I choose intuitively in consultation with the querent’s spirit guides.
Here (without disclosing any personal details) are some of the things that people have said about my tarot readings:
“This reading resonated with me for sure. … I know exactly why these cards were pulled and it validates and nudges me on where to step next. “
“Thank you SO much for this wonderful reading! … So, wow. Amazingly I am actually moving to a place on top of a mountain!! So that's really wild that you picked up on that particularly. “
“Well, I cannot tell you how accurate you were well I can, and I’m gonna try. … Thank you. Oh my gosh, it was amazing. Kelly, you are amazing. Not only that I could feel your energy through the recording. The sound of your voice, the deliberation, the time that you took, the spirits that are obviously around you … It was seriously one of the best readings I’ve ever had in my life. Thank you so much. And it really helped.”
I am offering three different tarot options at present.
I will be using my Weiser Tarot deck for these readings. The Weiser tarot uses Pamela Colman-Smiths original line drawings for the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, but is both more diverse in its representation, and re-colored using watercolors. It’s very beautiful, and I appreciate the people in it looking more like the world we live in.
The Weiser Tarot.
In my process, cards are selected while shuffling and in consultation with your spirit guides. What that means is that sometimes cards fall (or nearly get thrown) onto my desk as I shuffle, or they stick out to be selected. I then use those cards for your reading, trusting that your guides are working in your best interest (even when I don’t know what’s going on in your life).
I then make an audio recording of my reading for you, with any insight or messages that come through from your cards and your guides. I also photograph the spread. I then send the audio recording and photos to you via email.
The three readings currently on offer are:
A three-card reading. This is sometimes a situation with two courses of action or a past-present-future spread, but it is sometimes just guidance that isn’t necessarily quite that organized. I also pull a single oracle card from one of my many oracle decks, selecting the deck intuitively and in consultation with your guides.
A 10-card Celtic Cross spread. This traditional spread is excellent for providing a snapshot of where you are, along with insight about what energies surround you and are currently at play, and a prediction of the likely outcome given your current path.
An annual reading. This is a 13-card spread: one for each of the months in the year, plus an additional card to provide the theme for the year ahead of you. This spread is excellent for the start of a new year, using whatever date you use for the new year (lunar, school, Jewish, Gregorian or something else). It is also excellent as a “birthday” reading, to see what the year between now and your next birthday is.
If you feel called to have a tarot reading with me, I would love to be of assistance. I have made it easy for you to sign up for one, and the cart will remain open as long as I have time to do the readings. If I start to reach capacity, I will temporarily close the cart until I get caught up and have sufficient energetic capacity to proceed.