Hey, girlfriend. I’m glad you’re here. I hope that you will invest just a bit of time in yourself while you’re here by turning off other media, pouring yourself a cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, a glass of wine, or some other relaxing beverage of your choice. Even water will do, because we both know you need to hydrate.
Cheers to you for taking a few minutes for yourself! Photograph Copyright Kelly R. Ramsdell 2019
“Actually, I Can” is the result of many years of dreaming, thinking, and planning, and I hope it will provide lots of assistance to you. My personal world has been rocked any number of times by things large and small, and each time, I’ve reminded myself that actually, I can get through it. When I found myself with an empty nest, a divorce (twice—yes really), a new love relationship (now going on eight happy years together), a parent with cancer (hopefully now in remission), I was able to see that actually, I can move on.
Also? When I started thinking about how I wanted to do bigger things with my life, like helping other women to bust out of the boxes they find themselves in and providing guidance for them to step fully into who they were meant to be (or who they want to become), I hesitated at first, because hey, who am I to do that? But you know what? Actually, I can.
If you are in a happy relationship, but feel you are stuck in some roles you don’t love, I’ve been there. It’s how I ended up becoming a working artist in my 50s. If you are in an unhappy relationship, and you want to improve things or get out, well, I sure have been there, too. If you’ve got a serious health issue, guess what? I’ve been living with rheumatoid arthritis for over 17 years now—my RA will be old enough to vote in the next election! Oh, and insult to injury, I also developed fibromyalgia along the way. So I know what acute and chronic health issues are, and can speak about that from experience. Got kids who are growing up, and are ready to leave the nest (or have just done it)? ME TOO! My daughters are now 26 and 24, and they are both out of college and living on their own—one in Charleston, South Carolina, the other currently in the US Peace Corps in Lesotho. Are you finding it necessary to be a caretaker for another relative? Been there, done that.
All of which is to say that I have a ton of real-world experience that supports my ability to coach other women who are wanting something more, something different, some way of becoming unstuck, some path to reconnect to themselves and to step up and out into who they were always meant to become.
If that’s you, I hope you will come back often to read blog posts — one goes up every week. In time, there are going to be some other offerings here, the first one being all about decluttering your space so you can open space for new things, both energetically and in terms of real space. And lastly, please sign up below for the email newsletter, which will remind you about blog posts and also allow us to keep in touch better!